Hope Dental | Site redesign to support strategic goals

Volunteer project for Hope Dental Clinic

Hope Dental Clinic serves people in Minneapolis-St. Paul who don’t have access to dental insurance or the means to pay for care.



Hope Dental had separated from another non-profit and moved on to a new space and new name. Their website needed a redesign to reconnect with their community.


The site needed to speak to each group separately — patients, volunteers and donors — to help meet outreach goals.


Create a home page with a call-to-action and path into the site for each group. Refine site navigation to do the same.



Discovery research > Stakeholder interviews > Co-creation workshops

As a sole practitioner on this project, I wore many hats — all the hats. Through exploring the site and information gathering from stakeholders, I learned they needed to connect with three distinct audiences: donors, volunteers and patients.

  • Content design, strategy and writing

  • Visual design, information architecture and navigation, photo selection

  • Desired voice and tone, look and feel of the site

  • Stakeholder interviews to understand patient, volunteer and donor needs

  • Co-creation workshop with stakeholders to plan site structure and content

How I helped




Site map




This project was a great opportunity to own and apply content design, strategy, information architecture and storytelling beginning with the homepage and connecting to 30 pages across the site. I especially enjoyed creating call-outs and entry points for the clinic’s three audiences.


Home page - Before

Patient page - Before


Home page - After

Patient page - After

Volunteers page - Before

Volunteers page - After